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What is PERC Solar Cell And How It Works

August 23,2024

Solar panels seem simple enough - sunlight hits them, knocks electrons free in silicon cells, and generates electricity. But there’s constant innovation happening under the hood as scientists find new ways to tweak solar cell design and get more power out of each panel. One of the biggest upgrades in recent years has been the emergence of PERC solar cell technology. But what exactly does PERC mean, and why does it matter for solar panels?

In this in-depth guide, we’ll demystify PERC solar cells, explain how they work, look at their pros and cons, explore efficiency gains, and see how they stack up to alternatives.

Read on to learn everything you need to know about this exciting solar cell innovation!

What is PERC?

PERC stands for “Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell” and refers to a modification of traditional crystalline silicon solar cells. By adding special layers to the back of the cell, PERC technology enables panels to operate more efficiently and generate more electricity from the same amount of sunlight.

How Do Standard Solar Cells Work?

To understand what makes PERC special, we first have to explore how conventional solar cells operate. Most solar panels are made up of silicon cells, which can be either monocrystalline silicon (mono c-Si) formed from a single crystal ingot or polycrystalline silicon (poly c-Si) made from a melded block of silicon fragments.

When sunlight hits these silicon cells, the energy from the photons knocks electrons loose from their atoms, creating free negative charge carriers. Built-in electric fields sweep these electrons in one direction, resulting in an electrical current if the solar cell is hooked up to a wire circuit. The basic structure of a silicon solar cell has several layers, including:

Front electrical contact - Made of thin metal strips or a conductive grid pattern to collect and carry electrons off the cell.

Anti-reflective coating (ARC) - Minimizes light reflection to maximize absorption.

p-n junction - Formed by a positive (boron-doped) and negative (phosphorus-doped) layer of silicon that set up the electric field.

Back surface field (BSF) - A layer of aluminum-doped silicon that minimizes electron recombination at the rear and reflects light into the cell.

Rear contact - A metal layer across the entire back of the cell that serves as the other charge collection point.

When these layers are assembled into a working solar cell, incident sunlight enters through the front, gets absorbed in the silicon, generates electron-hole pairs, and gets swept out as electrical current via the front and back contacts - resulting in usable electricity! Pretty neat.

The maximum conversion efficiency of conventional crystalline silicon solar cells is around 20%. But in practice there are a few different loss mechanisms that reduce the efficiency to 15-19% for most commercial silicon photovoltaics.

PERC solar cells aim to minimize these losses and bump up the efficiency…

What is PERC Solar Cell Technology?

As the name implies, PERC solar cells have two special additions - front “passivation” and a modified rear “contact.” Let’s look at the structure:

●On the front, an extra layer of dielectric material is added for better surface passivation, which reduces electron recombination at the top surface.

●On the rear, a passivating dielectric layer is added, which both reflects light into the cell and prevents recombination at the back surface.

●Small localized openings are laser etched to allow the rear metal contacts to still make connections through the passivating layer.

●A dielectric cap is added on top of the rear passivation to prevent electrical shorts.

By adding these layers, PERC cells reduce light absorption losses, decrease electrical losses, and leverage light that would otherwise have escaped out the back. This innovative rear-side design allows PERC technology to push past the efficiency ceiling of traditional silicon solar cells.

Most PERC cells are fabricated in existing production lines, using mono or poly-crystalline silicon wafers. The extra equipment needed is relatively minimal - just dielectric deposition tools and laser etching for the rear contact openings. So PERC offers efficiency gains without requiring extensive manufacturing changes.

Pros and Cons of PERC Solar Cells

Like any technology, PERC solar cells come with both advantages and disadvantages:

Advantages of PERC

●Increased efficiency - By reflecting photons and reducing recombination, PERC boosts efficiency by 1-2% absolutely above conventional cells.

●Low light performance - The rear mirror and surface passivation maintain voltage and current generation in low light conditions.

●Cooler operating temperature - The highly reflective rear surface reduces absorption and heating within the cell.

●Leverages existing production - PERC cells are made on existing equipment with minimal added steps and cost.

Disadvantages of PERC

●Slightly higher cost - While minimizing added production steps, PERC does come at a small premium versus conventional cells.

●Potential degradation issues - Some PERC cells have exhibited light- or bias-induced degradation, which reduces output over time, if not properly controlled.

PERC Solar Cell Efficiency and Performance

One number that gets thrown around a lot when it comes to solar panels is efficiency. This refers to what percentage of the incoming solar energy is converted to electrical energy by the PV cell. Let’s look at how record-setting and real-world PERC cell efficiencies stack up.

Record Cell Efficiencies

Lab-based records help show the maximum potential of different technologies. The highest confirmed efficiency for a conventional crystalline silicon solar cell is around 22%. In contrast, PERC cell designs have reached up to 25% conversion efficiency in lab tests.

Commercial PERC Module Performance

When it comes to real-world performance, typical silicon solar panels on residential rooftops operate in the 15-19% efficiency range. Standard monocrystalline silicon modules are around 18-20% efficient, while poly panels lag a bit lower around 16-18%.

Thanks to their optimized cell structure, PERC modules commonly reach 17-19% efficiency. So you can expect anywhere from 6-12% more power output compared to conventional panels with the same footprint.

Beyond efficiency, PERC’s rear passivation also means the panels degrade less over time after initial installation. And the reflective rear helps maintain higher output in hot weather and low light conditions - when you need solar the most!

PERC has grown to account for over 60% of solar cell production globally. The technology works equally well with both monocrystalline silicon and polycrystalline silicon cells. High-quality PERC panels are readily available from reputable manufacturers.

Uses of PERC Solar Panels

Thanks to their improved efficiency in a small footprint, PERC solar panels are highly versatile and suitable to meet energy needs for:

●Residential rooftop solar power systems

●Commercial and industrial building rooftop PV arrays

●Ground-mount utility-scale solar farms

●Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV)

●Floating solar installations on water reservoirs or lakes

●Off-grid solar power systems and solar-powered vehicles

●EV charging stations needing maximum output from limited space

Really anywhere that space is constrained or power production needs to be maximized, PERC solar panels can fit the bill.

Alternatives and Future of PERC Solar Cell Technology

While dominant now, some even more advanced solar technologies are emerging that may eventually dethrone PERC cells. But they have yet to totally unseat PERC panels in the marketplace.

Role of PERC Moving Forward

PERC cells have become the incumbent technology, making up the majority of solar panels on rooftops and in solar farms around the world. But they are no longer cutting edge.

While incremental efficiency refinements continue, PERC is approaching its limits. Some experts believe PERC may be surpassed in 5-10 years by alternatives like TOPCon or Perovskites once they fully mature and hit economies of scale.

But any changing of the guard will take time. For now and the near future, PERC remains a strong player with a proven track record of reliability. PERC solar panels will continue to populate rooftops and solar farms as the economics remain favorable. Until even better technologies successfully scale up, PERC strikes the right balance of efficiency, performance, and cost.


PERC solar cell technology has propelled crystalline silicon panels to new heights of efficiency. By adding rear dielectric passivation and localized contacts, PERC cells optimize internal light capture and minimize electrical losses.

This innovative rear design enables PERC solar panels to generate up to 12% more power than conventional panels of the same size. Plus PERC maintains better performance in low light and high temperatures when you need solar output the most.

While newer technologies like perovskites and TOPCon may eventually overtake PERC, for now it remains the dominant PV cell technology. With over 60% of solar panel production utilizing PERC, it will continue playing a major role in powering homes, businesses, and grids with clean energy.

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